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Formal Complaints Procedures

Process for Complaints about Special Constables


The following process applies to complaints about the conduct of members of the University of Toronto Campus Safety (St. George Campus) who are appointed as Special Constables:


1. A complaint about the conduct of a Special Constable may be submitted in writing to the attention of the Director of Campus Safety (the “Director”). This may be done by email or by mail at the addresses listed below.


2. The complainant will be provided with a written acknowledgment that their complaint has been received by the Director. An appropriate person will be assigned by the Director to contact the complainant and conduct an intake meeting.


3. Following the intake meeting, the complainant will be asked to confirm and submit to the attention of the Director, in writing, the details of their complaint.


4. The Director will consider the details of the complaint and, in consultation with the divisional Director of Human Resources (or their designate), determine the appropriate next step. If the complaint alleges conduct that may be criminal, the complaint will be referred to the Toronto Police Service.


5. If a complaint about the conduct of a Special Constable is investigated by the University, the outcome of that investigation will be communicated in writing to the complainant, the Special Constable, and the Toronto Police Service.


Complaints that include allegations against the Director should be submitted directly to the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, Property Services & Sustainability, at the address below. In such cases, an appropriate person may be assigned by the University to fulfil the responsibilities that would otherwise be assigned to the Director for the purposes of this complaints process.


The University is committed to receiving and addressing complaints in a manner that is consistent with its policies, the terms of the applicable collective agreement, and the law, including but not limited to the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and the regulations thereunder.


Contact Information:







Please note that this complaints process has been amended in response to Ontario’s Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, which came into force in April 2024. This version remains under review by the University and may be subject to further amendments.


University of Toronto Campus Safety

Special Constable Service

21 Sussex Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M5S 1J6


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