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- About | Campus Safety
REFLECTING OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1904. ABOUT US Our History The University of Toronto Campus Safety has been an institution on the St. George campus since 1904. During that time, the organization has necessarily evolved to provide services that address the changing needs of the University. Training has also evolved to facilitate our new role in the community. The inclusion of training modules that support the academic mission recognizes our support role to the University mission. 1904 – 1990: Special Constables maintain a traditional policing model – conducting random patrols and reacting to calls for service. 1991 – A community policing approach is adopted by the Special Constables, promoting a new service delivery model which focuses on meeting the needs of the community and places a greater importance on crime prevention through proactive means. Since 1991, our Service has improved its level of service and continues to take on new and challenging roles within the University of Toronto community. 2002 – Our Service becomes the first Ontario (Police) Special Constable Service to be recognized as a Customer Service Excellence Organization. 2021 – Our Service re-brands as the University of Toronto Campus Safety to better reflect the robust range of public safety services that we provide to the University community. This change also aligns our Service with new provincial regulations. Our Mission Statement Purpose The University of Toronto Campus Safety is dedicated to creating a safe, secure and equitable environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors. Mandate To support the academic mission of the University, we work in partnership with our community: to protect persons and property by developing programs and conducting activities that promote safety and security; to prevent crime, maintain the peace, resolve conflicts and promote good order; to deliver non-discriminatory, inclusive programs to our diverse community; to remain accountable to our community. to provide referral to community services; to respond to emergencies and provide assistance to faculty, students and staff; to ensure University policies and regulations are followed, and to enforce the criminal code and selected provincial and municipal statutes as necessary; Values We are accountable to our community and guided by the following principles and values: respect for the dignity, privacy, worth and diversity of all persons fair and impartial treatment of all individuals a departmental philosophy that promotes safety and security as a responsibility of all members of the community; reliability, competence, accountability, teamwork and open communication, and an approach to campus safety that welcomes and encourages community involvement and promotes equity.
- Campus Safety | University of Toronto
Your University of Toronto Campus Police are now the University of Toronto Campus Safety Special Constable Service! Campus Safety Special Constables have been providing public safety services to the University of Toronto since 1904. Toronto Police Video Connect with us on social media! Latest Campus Safety News UPDATE: CSA 25-001: TPS News Release - MAN ARRESTED Broadcast Time: 17:15 Date: March 21, 2025 Type: Community Safety Alert (CSA) Homicide Investigation, Queen's Park Crescent and College... Campus Safety Special Constable Service 3 days ago 2 min read Quick Links I want information on leaving an abusive relationship. I want information on leaving an abusive relationship. I am (or someone I know) is thinking about suicide or self-harming. I am (or someone I know) is thinking about suicide or self-harming. I want information on what to do about harassing behaviour. I want information on what to do about harassing behaviour. I want information on applying for a career with Campus Safety. I want information on applying for a career with Campus Safety. I want information on filing a report with Campus Safety Special Constables. I want information on filing a report with Campus Safety Special Constables. I want to follow up on a report I filed with Campus Safety Special Constables previously. I want to follow up on a report I filed with Campus Safety Special Constables previously. I have a question about parking at the University. I have a question about parking at the University. I want to compliment a member of Campus Safety. I want to compliment a member of Campus Safety. I want to file a complaint about a member of Campus Safety. I want to file a complaint about a member of Campus Safety.
Welcome to the Fraud Prevention Hub The University of Toronto is committed to fraud prevention education and support for members of our community who are targeted or fall victim to fraudsters and scammers. This page is intended to serve as an education hub for fraud prevention. You can find information about active types of frauds and scams, strategies and tips to prevent yourself from falling victim to a fraud or scam attempt, and resources that are available to you to report a fraud or to seek support if you suspect you are being targeted. As with many safety concerns, knowledge is power. Educating yourself about the types of scams and frauds that are out there and how these frauds are perpetrated is one of the best ways to prevent yourself from falling victim to them. FRAUD CAMPAIGNS Fraud Prevention & Resources Types of Frauds and Scams GO Fraud Prevention Tips GO Social Media Safety Tips GO Targeted by a Fraud or Scam? GO Toronto Police Fraud Resources GO The Phish Bowl Something smelling phishy? Did you know that the University's Information Technology Services team maintains an updated listing of all known email phishing scams that have been reported to them in the "Phish Bowl." If you've received an email to your personal or work email that you're just not sure about, take a look at the "Phish Bowl" by clicking the button below. (link opens in a new window) Take Me to the Phish Bowl DOWNLOADS Download fraud brochures in multiple languages! GO
- Work Alone | Campus Safety
Work Alone The Work Alone program is designed to create a safer environment for U of T students, staff and faculty who are working alone in isolated areas on the campus and for individuals with ongoing personal safety concerns. How does it work? Step 1 - Download the U of T Campus Safety App from the Apple Store of Google Play. Step 2 - Initiate a Work Alone Session Step 3 - Check in on your scheduled check in times. If you do not, Campus Safety Communications will call you and/or have Special Constables attend your location. How do I sign up if I do not have a mobile device? Register by calling Campus Safety Communications at 416-978-2323 or by visiting us at 21 Sussex Ave, 1st Floor. Please be prepared to provide the following details; Where you are working; How long you will be there; and The phone number you would like to receive your check-ins. A safety assessment can also be performed on your work space to help determine and mitigate safety risks.
- Building Patrol | Campus Safety
BUILDING PATROL About Building Patrollers Building Patrol members are uniformed personnel who provide security as required across campus. All Building Patrol members are security guards licensed by the Province of Ontario. Members are equipped with a Campus Safety radio and are in continuous contact with Campus Safety dispatch. Full-time/Part-time Building Patrol: These members are University of Toronto employees and licensed security guards. Building Patrol members perform a variety of duties that can include checking and securing doors, reporting suspicious activity/property damage and TravelSafer escorts. Contracted Security Patrol: Executek International is currently under contract to provide security guards to the University of Toronto Campus Safety. Executek security guards perform a variety of duties and are generally used for temporary assignments. Need a Building Patrol to secure your space? Contact Assistant Director, Ryan Dow for more information by clicking the "Request Building Patrol" button below. Request Building Patrol
- Theft Prevention | Campus Safety
Theft Prevention Did You Know? In most cases of personal property thefts commonly reported to Campus Safety, the items that were taken were left unattended - often for a very short period of time! You can greatly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to a personal property theft by removing the opportunity and taking/keeping your belongings with you - even if you intend to step away briefly. Consider employing some of these theft prevention strategies to keep yourself safe on or off campus! Theft of Electronics Don't leave your personal electronics unattended - keep them in sight and within reach. Pack lightly for the day and keep your valuables at home unless you need them. Pay attention to your surroundings when taking out and using your electronic devices. Consider purchasing a STOP Plate for your laptop or tablet to help increase chances of recovery in the event of a theft. Keep a record of your device's information (e.g. serial #, make and model) somewhere safe to help increase the chance of recovery. Theft from Lockers Invest in a high-quality lock for your locker and use it! Check your lock on a regular basis and replace it if it showing signs of wear. Keep your locker combination or your key to yourself. Consider leaving valuables that you don't need for the day at home. Pay attention to your surroundings when accessing your locker, especially when depositing items into your locker. Report any suspicious activity to Campus Police or Building Patrollers. Always double check your lock before leaving the area to ensure it is secure. Theft from Vehicles Ensure all doors are locked and secured prior to leaving the area. Check to ensure all windows (including sunroofs) are closed entirely. Don't leave valuables in your car - if you must leave them, hide them from view prior to parking. Be mindful that charging cords, GPS mounts and other accessories left in plain view can signal the presence of valuable items in the vehicle. Keep them hidden. Don't leave your registration or insurance paperwork in the vehicle - these documents have your home address listed. Don't leave your home car garage openers in the vehicle - take it with you.
- Emergency Phones | Campus Safety
EMERGENCY PHONES Campus Emergency Phones What is a Campus Emergency Phone (EP)? Campus Emergency Phones are stationary phones that are located strategically around the University of Toronto St. George campus. They can be used to call Campus Safety Communications if you are in distress or are experiencing any other type of emergency. Campus Emergency Phones are easily identifiable by their bright red or yellow paint scheme with the text "Emergency" in bold contrasting colours printed on the front or sides. Some devices are also equipped with a flashing blue strobe light to help responding Special Constables locate you. To view the location of all Campus Emergency Phones, click here (a new window will open). How do I use a Campus Emergency Phone? To use a Campus Emergency Phone, press the call button on the front of the device - you do not need to keep the button pressed down. You will hear a dial tone and be connected with a Campus Safety Communications Operator for assistance. Be prepared to give them the following information to give to responding Special Constables: Your name Your location The nature of your emergency
- Community Liaison & Support | Campus Safety
COMMUNITY LIAISON & SUPPORT TEAM INVESTIGATIONS | CRIME PREVENTION | SPECIAL EVENTS I SUPPORT Community Liaison & Support Team What is the Community Liaison & Support Team (CLS)? The CLS team includes Campus Safety members who are responsible for a variety of safety initiatives and services. CLS team members have extensive training and experience in general investigations, case management, security planning, mental health awareness and community policing to name a few. Members work closely with University partners, municipal police forces and other agencies to further create a safe and secure environment for staff, students, faculty and visitors at the University of Toronto. Services provided by CLS team include: Investigations CPTED/Safety Reviews Crime Prevention & Support Safety Presentations Special Event Security Planning Security Guard Services Crisis Supports and Referrals Request a CLS Service Contact a CLS member Ryan Dow ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Mike Caskenette STAFF SERGEANT John Bongers SPECIAL CONSTABLE Email A/D Dow Email S.Sgt Caskenette Email Spc. Bongers Veronica Martins SPECIAL CONSTABLE, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT LIAISON OFFICER Email Spc. Martins Lauren Weidmark, MSW, RSW CIV ILIAN , COMMUNITY CRISIS RESPONSE COORDINATOR Email Spc. Weidmark
- Reporting An Incident | Campus Safety
General Occurrence Reporting The University of Toronto Campus Safety Special Constable Service currently accepts reports by phone, in-person and via the U of T Safety App. We do not accept reports over social media and in most cases, we are unable to act on anonymous reports - particularly in criminal matters where there must be a victim to proceed with charges. Most criminal matters reported to our Service, with the exception of a few (including sexual assaults), will be investigated by Campus Safety Special Constables. Please note that, in some cases, the issue that you are reporting may not be a criminal matter. In such cases, officers will make all reasonable efforts to direct you to a more appropriate reporting contact. If you report an occurrence, you can expect to see the following process take place: A Campus Safety Special Constable will interview you and collect the following information: Your personal information (e.g. name, date of birth, address, uToronto ID number) Your contact information (e.g. phone number, email address) Your statement (if you are providing a written statement, you will be asked to sign it) Any evidence you have pertaining to the occurrence If an occurrence report will be generated, the investigating Special Constable will provide you with an occurrence number - if one is available at the time of the interview. Occurrence reports that are generated are forwarded to our Community Resource Unit for further investigation. A copy of the occurrence report may also be submitted to the Toronto Police Service. Following Up on a Report Campus Safety Special Constables will not contact you after a report is made, unless further information is required by investigators or unless there is an update that we can share with you. Due to the call volume and caseload of investigators, it is not possible for us to provide an update on the disposition of every report that comes in. If you need to follow up with the Campus Safety Special Constable Service regarding a report you had filed because you have new information that is relevant to the occurrence you reported, please contact Campus Safety Communications at 416-978-2323 and reference the occurrence number (if one was provided to you) when asking to speak with an officer.
- PAUSE TO PREVENT | Campus Safety
STAY TUNED... A Fraud Awareness Initiative from: WEEK 1 - Phishing What Is Phishing? View on Instagram WEEK 2 - Employment Scams What Is An Employment Scam? View on Instagram WEEK 3 - Romance Scams What Is An Romance Scam? View on Instagram WEEK 4 - Government Scams What Is An Government Scam? View on Instagram