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- Work Alone | Campus Safety
Work Alone The Work Alone program is designed to create a safer environment for U of T students, staff and faculty who are working alone in isolated areas on the campus and for individuals with ongoing personal safety concerns. How does it work? Step 1 - Download the U of T Campus Safety App from the Apple Store of Google Play. Step 2 - Initiate a Work Alone Session Step 3 - Check in on your scheduled check in times. If you do not, Campus Safety Communications will call you and/or have Special Constables attend your location. How do I sign up if I do not have a mobile device? Register by calling Campus Safety Communications at 416-978-2323 or by visiting us at 21 Sussex Ave, 1st Floor. Please be prepared to provide the following details; Where you are working; How long you will be there; and The phone number you would like to receive your check-ins. A safety assessment can also be performed on your work space to help determine and mitigate safety risks.
- Building Patrol | Campus Safety
BUILDING PATROL About Building Patrollers Building Patrol members are uniformed personnel who provide security as required across campus. All Building Patrol members are security guards licensed by the Province of Ontario. Members are equipped with a Campus Safety radio and are in continuous contact with Campus Safety dispatch. Full-time/Part-time Building Patrol: These members are University of Toronto employees and licensed security guards. Building Patrol members perform a variety of duties that can include checking and securing doors, reporting suspicious activity/property damage and TravelSafer escorts. Contracted Security Patrol: Executek International is currently under contract to provide security guards to the University of Toronto Campus Safety. Executek security guards perform a variety of duties and are generally used for temporary assignments. Need a Building Patrol to secure your space? Contact Assistant Director, Ryan Dow for more information by clicking the "Request Building Patrol" button below. Request Building Patrol
- Activity Reports | Campus Safety
Activity Reports
- Recruitment | Campus Safety
Special Constable Recruitment Process Thank you for your interest in a position with the University of Toronto Campus Safety as a Special Constable! The recruitment process for Special Constable is outlined below to give you an idea of what you can expect after your application is submitted and accepted. To check current opportunities, please visit the Careers page. University of Toronto St. George Campus Safety Special Constable Recruiting Process Only selected applicants will be contacted and invited to begin the process outlined below. *Must pass each stage of the employment process to progress to the next* Receive and Review Applications Fitness Test Ontario Police Fitness Award Standard Conduct Screening Interview Director or Designee Board Interview with Human Resources Psychological/Medical Evaluation Employment and Character Reference Check Toronto Police Background Investigation for Special Constable Appointment Offer of Employment (conditional) Successful candidate(s) begin employment and must successfully complete all conditions in the Offer of Employment within a 12-month probationary period Orientation Course/Training
- Community Policing | Campus Safety
COMMUNITY POLICING Community Policing Since our inception in 1904, the University of Toronto Campus Safety has had a proud history of fostering strong partnerships with our campus community and surrounding neighbourhoods through our community policing initiatives. We believe that our success is only made possible through the strength of the relationships we have with the communities we serve. "Reflecting our communities" isn't just a motto to us - it's the standard that we continuously strive for through our practices, policies and programs. We are proud to support these organizations:
- Buy and Sell Exchange Zone | Campus Safety
Buy and Sell Exchange Zone In today’s age of online buy and sell transactions many unsuspected people are becoming victims of robberies, thefts and fraud. In order to increase safety, Campus Safety - St. George, invite you to use the front lobby of 21 Sussex Avenue, Toronto (Our Office) to facilitate property transactions arranged online. Users of online classifieds websites, whether buying or selling can be vulnerable to crimes such as fraud, theft and robbery. The exchange of goods for payment poses varying risk factors whether via mail or face to face. University of Toronto community members are reminded that Campus Safety Services, located at 21 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, is open 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and provides a safer alternative to conduct your buy & sell exchange where the presence of Campus Safety Special Constables or video surveillance, may deter unlawful behaviour. Safety Tips for Online Buy and Sell Transactions The Exchange: When meeting a buyer or seller in person always use a busy public location, consider locations like a mall food court, a busy park lot or a parking lot of the closest police station. The suggestion of a police station lobby will have most would be thieves opt out up front. Do not use a remote location or your home, the convenience is not worth the risk. Use the buddy system to avoid going alone whenever practical. If this is not possible let someone close to you know the details of your meeting. Take extra precaution when selling small handheld devices, like a cell phone, as they can be easily pocketed and stolen. As a buyer, bring only the cash you need for the purchase. When buying or selling, you should always meet in person to inspect the product before exchanging funds. Beware of Fraud: Limit the potential for fraud when buying or selling online, a face to face exchange is preferable to mail. Only provide minimal personal information as a buyer or seller for any online transactions. If online payment is required avoid using wire transfer as this is a common channel for fraud, instead consider using payment options such as PayPal or Google checkout. Use common sense. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- Hit PAUSE on Fraud | Campus Safety
A Fraud Awareness Initiative from: Fraud prevention starts with awareness. Learn more about the two known fraud schemes being used to target university students across the GTA and how you can protect yourself. Fraud Scheme 1: "Return to Sender" The Victim receives an automated call from a delivery company about a package. It connects to a person claiming to work for a delivery company. The Victim is "transferred" to the police and is then told a package addressed to them, containing illegal goods, has been intercepted. The Victim is told they face arrest and deportation for their involvement. The Victim is told that they have an opportunity to pay a fine to avoid jail/deportation. Fraud Scheme 2: "Laundry Card" The Victim receives a call from a person claiming to work for police. The Victim is told that their bank card has been used in a money laundering scheme and their accounts are going to be locked. The Victim is told they must help with the investigation to clear their name and are told to withdraw the money from their accounts and deposit it to a "secure system" via Bitcoin while the investigation continues. The Victim is told this money will be returned at the end of the investigation. Not sure if that call or email you received is legitimate? Hit P.A.U.S.E before responding to any communication you're unsure about. It may just help keep you and your money safe! In many of the fraud cases reported to Special Constables, victims have reported losing a substantial amount of money to scammers (in some cases exceeding $10,000). In addition to the loss of money, victims are often left dealing with concerns of identity theft and credit fraud from the misuse of their personal information. P PROTECT your personal information! Don't give out information that the caller doesn't already have. This can include: Your Name, Your Address, Your Birthdate, Your Social Insurance Number, Your Passport Number, Your Credit Card or Banking Info A ASK questions about the caller or sender. Scammers often pose as law enforcement or a delivery company. Verify the caller or sender's identity for yourself by calling their agency or company on the publicly listed number. Don't let them transfer you to this number themselves - hang up and call back on your own. U Is the call UNSOLICITED , UNEXPECTED , or UNUSUAL ? If you weren't expecting a delivery or phone call, be extra cautious and fact-check any information the caller provides. Be aware that scammers can use call-spoofing technology to make it appear that the call is originating from a legitimate source. S Be SUSPICIOUS of calls where you're being pressured to act with urgency. Scammers have threatened jail time, fines or deportation in an effort to push victims to send money quickly. The police, Canada Revenue Agency or the Canada Border Services Agency do NOT employ these tactics nor do they seek payment of legitimate fines this way. E EXERCISE caution with links and attachments. Don't click links or download files from emails or messaging apps if you don't know the source. It could be malware. Be cautious of allowing remote access to your computer. If you are having problems with your system, consider bringing it in-person to the IT Help Desk for support.
- Contact Us | University of Toronto Campus Safety Special Constable Service
Contact Us Campus Status University of Toronto Campus Safety Special Constable Service 21 Sussex Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5S 1J6 Canada Campus Safety Communications Centre (24/7) Non-urgent: 416-978-2323 Campus Urgent: 416-978-2222 or 911 Fax: 416-978-1099 Connect with us on social media! Campus Safety Leadership Michael Munroe - Director Contact Michael Munroe Peter Shipley - Assistant Director, Operations Contact Peter Shipley Ryan Dow - Assistant Director, Community Liaison & Support Team Contact Ryan Dow
- TravelSafer | Campus Safety
TravelSafer What is TravelSafer? TravelSafer is a free service offered by the University of Toronto Campus Safety that is available 24/7 365 days a year. A Building Patroller or Special Constable will escort you to and from any location on campus and abutting TTC stations for added peace of mind. How can I request TravelSafer services? You can request a Virtual TravelSafer escort directly through the UofT Safety App on your cellphone. Don't have the UofT Safety App? Download it today on the App Store or Google Play . How do I request TravelSafer if I do not have a mobile device? If you don't have access to a smart phone, you can call Campus Safety Communications from any landline at 416-978-SAFE (7233) or by visiting us at 21 Sussex Ave, 1st Floor.
- Services | Campus Safety
OUR SERVICES Services Quick Links Request a paid-duty Campus Safety Special Constable Request a paid-duty Campus Safety Special Constable Request Building Patrol services Request Building Patrol services Request a third-party security guard Request a third-party security guard Request a CPTED safety audit from Campus Safety Request a CPTED safety audit from Campus Safety Request an Event Security Assessment Request an Event Security Assessment Request a security or access control system review Request a security or access control system review